Project Management Plan

A project management plan is an intention to put a project on a schedule and to take steps necessary to keep it there. The following table describes some methods and techniques used to ensure a project meets its requirements on schedule and under budget.

Technique  Description 
Review Board  A Project Review Board will be established including vendor and buyer personnel or their contractors to evaluate problems as needed. Minimally, a monthly face-to-face project review will be convened to review the status against the project plan. See Project Review Board Charter
Weekly Conference Call  The Review Board and invited guests will participate in a weekly conference call to review the issues list managed by the problem queue. 
Problem Queue  An online facility for tracking reported problems keeps all stakeholders advised as to changing conditions during deployment and maintenance operations. 
Project Plan  An online facility for monitoring the project progress will keep all stakeholders appraised of situations as they arise. 
Escalation  System Problem Escalation and Resolution describes a method for escalating problems that get stalled. 
Dedicated Project Managers  Vendor and byuyer have dedicated project managers to track project progress and keep issues from "falling off the table" 
Statement of Work  Identifies all work to be accomplished under the contract. 
Standard Operating Environment  A Standard Operating Environment (SOE) Identifies all hardware and software to be installed as part of the project. 
Support Plan  A Support Plan describes the types of help stakeholders can expect. 
Training  A comprehensive training program is being designed to ensure that all stakeholders understand their interface to the various systems. 

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