Temporal States

Temporal states are sets of system configuration. Systems can be characterized as having a certain condition or status. We say it is working, broken, running, starting et al. This one word or phrase stands for a complex set of conditions or situation. A state is the name for a set of circumstances or the configuration of a system that characterizes its condition. States have a name that often ends in 'ing' indicating continuous action or being.

In the diagram the states are rectangles with rounded corners while the transitions are represented as lines.

Life STD.gif

Systems transition from one state to another as a result of events indicating a change in conditions.

Life States

A few points can be illustrated in this simplified and imprecise life state diagram. When your mom went into labor you were in the birthing state. At birth you proceed to the living state. When disease strikes you become ill until recovery then you go on living. I often feel more dead than alive when I am sick. When something exciting happens we go to a high state. And then there is the letdown where we return to the normal living state.

The beauty of a model like this is it works for all people. It doesn't say when the events may happen though it could. What it says at a minimum are the allowed sequences. The rules for state changes can be quite complex. While in a state many actions or functions take place. The state is said to require certain functions for it to behave properly in the state. The functions that a system can perform is determined by the system's current state. The system engineer attempts to identify and define all the states that a system may encounter. Many requirements are detected during this process.

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